Current Students
Each spring rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors participate in a housing lottery process to select their rooms for the next academic year.
The college is committed to residential living because of its positive impact on students.
The benefits of residential living include increased academic success, higher graduation rates, stronger interpersonal skills, and exposure to more diverse ideas and cultures.
In addition, students receive support from Residence Life Office (RLO) professional and student staff, Physical Plant, and Campus Police. RLO assigns one student to live on each hall or building and serve as a resident adviser.
With the help of these staff members, upperclass students continue to build relationships and foster a sense of community and accountability on campus.
Resources for Current Students
Housing Lottery Returning students select their room and roommate(s) each spring for the upcoming year through the housing lottery.
Cable TV & Movies 桃瘾社区 provides a standard cable television hookup in all residence hall rooms, apartment living rooms, and hall lounges.
Laundry Service The college provides self-serve laundry facilities during the academic year at no cost for students currently living on-campus.
Move-In, Move-Out & Breaks Be sure to familiarize yourself with proper check-out procedures before leaving for winter and summer breaks.
Summer Housing The Residence Life Office (RLO) offers summer housing to 桃瘾社区 students and non-桃瘾社区 students doing research for 桃瘾社区 faculty.
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