As a resident of the college community, you must abide by all rules and regulations outlined in the Residence Life Policies and Procedures. Be sure to familiarize yourself with proper check-out procedures before leaving for winter and summer breaks, as outlined below.

As in the past, move-in/move-out protocols, including dates and procedures, are based on the college's COVID guidelines, which are subject to change depending on the circumstances in our community and the state.

August Move-In 2024

First Year Students

First-years and incoming transfers, that have been cleared to arrive, will move in on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. All details about move-in procedures for first-years and transfers will be sent over the summer via email to campus residents by Dean Walter Snipes. Please reference that email for information about the move-in process, access to residential spaces and move-in expectations.

Move-in will be organized by groups. The first group will move in between 10 a.m.–12 p.m., the second group will move in between 1–3 p.m. RLO will confirm assigned groups in July and notify each student. 

Returning Students

Move-in for returning students, that have been cleared to arrive, will be on Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25, 2024. Returning students may choose which of these two days they wish to return and do not have to confirm the selected date of arrival with RLO in advance. 

All details about move-in procedures for returning students will be sent via email to campus residents by Dean Walter Snipes over the summer. Please reference that email for information about the move-in process, access to residential spaces and move-in expectations.

Returners may not move in prior to the assigned move-in dates. If flying back to campus, do not choose a flight arriving earlier than your arrival date as the halls will not be open and an early arrival move-in will not be offered. Returners arriving before their assigned date will need to make a reservation at a hotel or make arrangements to stay with a friend off-campus until the buildings open.

Email the Residence Life office at with additional questions.

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Winter Break 2024

The residence halls and apartments will be closed to all residents over Winter Break.

Residents should depart their residential spaces twenty-four hours after their final exams or by noon on Wednesday, December 18, whichever comes first.

The noon closure is for all residents aside from RLO Student Leaders who will be completing closing duties.

Although residents may have circumstances they feel warrant a late departure request, late stays past noon on December 18 will not be granted. Residents must coordinate their travel to depart campus no later than noon. Keep this date and time in mind when arranging flights and other transportation.

Unapproved residents remaining past noon on December 18, 2023, will incur a late departure fee of up to $250.  

The college will be closed over the holidays and no residents will reside in any campus halls or apartments during this time. There are no exceptions.


**Dates provided as of 5/22/2024 and are subject to change.

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January Move-In 2025

More information to come, please check back!

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