New Students
Welcome New Wildcats!
We understand you will have many questions as you prepare for ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø. We're here to help. We've compiled important resources to ensure a smooth transition into your college experience.
A warm welcome from your new Wildcat family. We can't wait to see you on campus!
New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation for the 2024-25 school year is scheduled for August 21–25. New Student Orientation is required for all new students.
Pre-Orientation Programs
Designed to provide a unique, challenging, and fun transition to life at ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø, students can select from an assortment of pre-orientation programs that run June–August. These allow students to immerse themselves in the ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø community prior to the start of the academic year.
Health & Counseling
ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø's Center for Student Health and Well-Being is dedicated to the physical, emotional and mental well being of every student.
Medical forms must be completed and submitted by all incoming ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø students.
Each student must have medical insurance, either through a private insurance company plan or the through the college's health insurance plan. Students that already have health insurance can opt-out of the college's health insurance by completing a waiver.
Student Athletes
Students who intend to participate on a ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø Varsity Athletic Team need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. This NCAA-driven process must be completed before a student-athlete reports to campus.
New student athletes must complete sports medical forms, independent of the college's Health Center medical forms.
In mid-July each known ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø student-athlete will receive an email containing links and instructions for completing all necessary NCAA and ÌÒñ«ÉçÇø compliance forms.
Get to Know Post and Print
Located in Knobloch Campus Center, the Post and Print serves our students, faculty and staff with a variety of mailing and shipping services. Learn about which mailing address to use and share with friends and family, how to pick up packages, and more.